Evermore by Sara Holland


Review: Although I didn’t realize that this was the SECOND book in this Sara Holland’s series, I was still extremely impressed with this novel. For this book, I decided to listen to it as an audiobook on my phone using my Libby account – ps, if you don’t have this app, you DEFINITELY need to get it. I’ve been having to drive a lot lately, so listening to this nine hour audiobook wasn’t an issue for me, it was a pleasure. In this novel, we follow two main characters, the sorceress and the alchemist, as they fight against each other to try and defeat one another. The alchemist, Jules Ember, is charged with murder and forced to flee with the help of Liam Gerling, the brother of Nolan who was supposedly killed by Ember. Ina, the princess turned queen in the novel, is in fact the sister of Jules, although she doesn’t know this. Caro, Ina’s right hand, essentially, is actually the sorceress, making it easy for her to influence everything that happens in Sempera. Will Jules Ember be “on top” at the end of the novel, or will it be Caro who wins in the end and kills Jules?

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